Aug 22, 2010

Last month, my things from New York FINALLY arrived!  I don't recall if I mentioned here on my blog about me keeping my things in storage for a year because I TRULY believed I would be back in NY after me year in Utah was up.  Well, if you can't tell from my blog posts...I have fallen madly in love with living in Salt Lake City and the people here that occupy this wonderful place! With that said, and thinking long and hard about my future, I decided to make a go of settling down here in Salt Lake City, at least for now.  So last month, I emptied my storage space at Manhattan Mini Storage and found some moving men [I can't remember the company's name now but I will post about them later, they were AMAZING and affordable for a cross country move!] and got my things to Salt Lake!  The day of their arrival was like Christmas! Opening all my boxes filled with all my children's books was like Christmas x 100! I have so much reading to catch up and my usual list of books that I started reading consistently every year 5+ years ago.  One of my very favorite author/illustrators is Beatrix Potter! I think it is safe to say she is a favorite among everyone! Right? I cannot imagine anyone not liking Beatrix Potter!  Well, once I got my bedroom all squared away and organized [pics of my gingerbread pad to come next week] I finally got started on my reading in the morning and at night.  First up, "The Great Big Treasury of Beatrix Potter" book!  Starting Sept. 1st one of my most BELOVED books.... "The Little House in the Big Woods" <- THEE perfect quintessential book to start reading right as Autumn begins. ;)


Jessica said...

I am right now re-reading all the Little House books. On The Long Winter right now. They are the BEST!

Unknown said...

Oh Beatrix was my favorite forever. I dated a guy once who kept asking what the deal was with Beatrix Potter as I even had her doll china (the cat used it to drink out of)...I think you either get her or you don't! And I love your idea of reading her for fall!

I'm glad you have decided to settle in Utah. It's nice to change things up once in awhile.

xo Mary Jo

Sanne said...

i remember i went to a Beatrix Potter gallery in England a long time ago! the weather was exactly like it is on the picture, it was a rainy day everyday but in England i do not mind :-)

ROXY MARJ said...

Oh Jessica! You are one step a head of me... meant to start Big Woods last week, but no luck! thee night! :) we should be little house pen pals! lol

Mary Jo... TOTALLY agree! However, if people don't get her...they need to watch the movie Miss Potter don't you think? Hopefully then that would sell them?

Sanne...SOOOO envious you got to her work in person...ahhhh dream dream dream..

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