Apr 29, 2010
Apr 28, 2010
Tonight.... I want to dream about...

and the people there....

and the breath taking landscapes!!!

walking through rice fields with Hani girls :)

buying a pair of these cuties!

riding on a horse like this, in an outfit like this....

running into an old man like this, with a horse like this...perhaps he will let me buy his hat off him? :)

and then.... I would get off my horse and get on this cart...eat some candy & then wake up! :)

good night friends + sweet dreams +

and the people there....

and the breath taking landscapes!!!

walking through rice fields with Hani girls :)

buying a pair of these cuties!

riding on a horse like this, in an outfit like this....

running into an old man like this, with a horse like this...perhaps he will let me buy his hat off him? :)

and then.... I would get off my horse and get on this cart...eat some candy & then wake up! :)

good night friends + sweet dreams +

Mother's Day is coming up soon! If you are at a loss at what to get mumsy...;-) try looking in some of these darling etsy shops
BEAUTIFUL craspedia topiary! On of my very favorite floral combinations is craspedia & lambs ear.....
>>> major swoonage <<<

another swoonage... milk glass...and then flowers in milk glass! LOVE!

Cute fold-out poster card

flower & lace dishes

miniature wood town.

a teeny cute little book to write her favorite poems in.

& then for me, + hehehehe + a brass bowl and apple. oh brass, how I love thee!

Apr 23, 2010
Apr 22, 2010
A big post today folks. :) First off, a big thank you to those of you who have ordered something from my shop. Packages were mailed yesterday. ;)

Yesterday my mom picked me up from work to go run a couple errands and then to lunch. The neighborhood I work in is the Harvard,Yale,Princeton area. Well, on Harvard street I have found my dream house! I have seen this house a couple times before and find myself thinking about it A LOT afterwards. My mom and I drove by it, and before we pulled up I said "we are coming towards my dream house" and she said "ooooh, which one...it is so hard to choose, I love all these houses!" and I said, "you will know it by the roof" Seriously! How amaaaaazing is this roof! The only thing I would change is the door color! When I buy this house, I am going to paint the door a bright red orange. :)

So to the Beehive Tea room my mom and I went yesterday for her birthday lunch! This place was introduced to me from a friend [Meghan] in my ward at church. Alice's Tea Cup back in New York use to be my favorite place for tea [the girls I babysat introduced me ]but hands down, Bee hive tea room is now my favorite!!! If you live in the Salt Lake area and have never been, I cannot say enough of how fabulous this place is. YOU.MUST.GO!!!!

At our little table. So many cute little cozy spots in this place, it is hard to choose where to sit.

To start, we had some yummy hot chocolate! <- Yesterday was a cold day here in Utah, which justified the hot chocolate. You see, I am a VERY seasonal person, so having hot drinks in the spring/summer seems soooo weird to me & off balance! Yeah, today is nice and sunny out...try and get me to have that hot chocolate again. NOPE, would never happen! :/

Fantastic house salad, which tastes almost identical to that of Sweet Melissa's back in New York.

Awesome spinach quiche!

she approves! :[)

The other day when I was walking home, I saw this stick on the ground...but passed it and kept walking. Then I thought..."Wait! Did I just see a face in that stick?" I DID!? Yeah! Went back and grabbed that Mother! How awesome is this face??? ;[) I need to add some legs and arms to this guy!

Yesterday my mom picked me up from work to go run a couple errands and then to lunch. The neighborhood I work in is the Harvard,Yale,Princeton area. Well, on Harvard street I have found my dream house! I have seen this house a couple times before and find myself thinking about it A LOT afterwards. My mom and I drove by it, and before we pulled up I said "we are coming towards my dream house" and she said "ooooh, which one...it is so hard to choose, I love all these houses!" and I said, "you will know it by the roof" Seriously! How amaaaaazing is this roof! The only thing I would change is the door color! When I buy this house, I am going to paint the door a bright red orange. :)

So to the Beehive Tea room my mom and I went yesterday for her birthday lunch! This place was introduced to me from a friend [Meghan] in my ward at church. Alice's Tea Cup back in New York use to be my favorite place for tea [the girls I babysat introduced me ]but hands down, Bee hive tea room is now my favorite!!! If you live in the Salt Lake area and have never been, I cannot say enough of how fabulous this place is. YOU.MUST.GO!!!!

At our little table. So many cute little cozy spots in this place, it is hard to choose where to sit.

To start, we had some yummy hot chocolate! <- Yesterday was a cold day here in Utah, which justified the hot chocolate. You see, I am a VERY seasonal person, so having hot drinks in the spring/summer seems soooo weird to me & off balance! Yeah, today is nice and sunny out...try and get me to have that hot chocolate again. NOPE, would never happen! :/

Fantastic house salad, which tastes almost identical to that of Sweet Melissa's back in New York.

Awesome spinach quiche!

she approves! :[)

The other day when I was walking home, I saw this stick on the ground...but passed it and kept walking. Then I thought..."Wait! Did I just see a face in that stick?" I DID!? Yeah! Went back and grabbed that Mother! How awesome is this face??? ;[) I need to add some legs and arms to this guy!

Apr 21, 2010
A couple weeks ago I mentioned how I was one of the 5 winners here in Salt Lake for the Muse Poster Design Contest. Well they have finished their tour now, and have picked their 5 favorite posters from the entire tour. And I am one of them!!!! :[) SOOOOOO Now it is up to ME & YOU to vote for the favorite poster to represent their next tour come this fall!
Right now I am in 3rd place ---- and it is looking like the poster from Portland is gonna win. :/ If you have 15 seconds to spare, would be so kind to go over and VOTE for my poster? :[) it is "Animal Heads" and could you please tell all your friends to vote as well? Thank you in advance!
& if you don't know any of their songs...
HERE is one of their songs "starlight"

Right now I am in 3rd place ---- and it is looking like the poster from Portland is gonna win. :/ If you have 15 seconds to spare, would be so kind to go over and VOTE for my poster? :[) it is "Animal Heads" and could you please tell all your friends to vote as well? Thank you in advance!
& if you don't know any of their songs...
HERE is one of their songs "starlight"

Apr 20, 2010
A good friend of mine here in Utah, Riley Pack started a blog a couple months ago called "Five Favorite Things" where he films his friends talking about 5 of their favorite things! Riley has an awesome sense of humor and a good eye... So when I saw the first video he did of my friend Josh Dewey for Five Favorite Things, I asked if I could be a part of this awesomeness as well! And he said yes! :) Below is my video. Hope you like it! hehehehe lol
p.s. Thanks to the ladies for leaving sweet comments and good advice towards my last blog post. My chin is up, my cheeks are rosey, sweets are in the cupboard...basically the list goes on of the goodness I have right now. Nooooo worries! This lil lady will keep on truckin! xo

Go here >>> to FIVE FAVORITE THINGS to see some other creative people. & If you live in SLC and would like to be a part of this, DO get in touch with Riley! :)
p.s. Thanks to the ladies for leaving sweet comments and good advice towards my last blog post. My chin is up, my cheeks are rosey, sweets are in the cupboard...basically the list goes on of the goodness I have right now. Nooooo worries! This lil lady will keep on truckin! xo
Go here >>> to FIVE FAVORITE THINGS to see some other creative people. & If you live in SLC and would like to be a part of this, DO get in touch with Riley! :)
Apr 19, 2010
Lately I have been searching for really good illustration agencies to represent me. One of which I REALLY like is Heart Agency & I finally heard back from them today. They emailed saying that they aren't interested in representing me..... :( You know something.... I am totally bummed, and I will be honest...when I read things like that pertaining to my work it just makes me want to give up on everything all together. I think about those people who seem to get everything they work on soooo easily. It is weird. Why? Why do some people struggle more than others? I wish there was an answer to that question, but there is not. Yesterday in church, this girl who is new in my ward was giving a talk in Sacrament and was talking about how she had just graduated from BYU-Idaho and was trying to decide whether or not she should stay in Idaho or move to Utah and that this was a REALLY big decision for her [I confess...I was laughing to myself and thinking, this is a BIG decision for you?] anyways after weeks of weighing out the pros and cons and praying about it, she decided to move to Salt Lake City. The day she packed her car up and got ready to get on the road, she got a call from a company that she applied for a job through and they told her they would like to hire her. She then went on to say that she knew for sure her decision to move to Salt Lake was the right one. I have heard a dozen or so stories like this in the past year. And then I find myself analyzing ME and wondering...what am I doing wrong? Why does it seem like I have been in a never.ending.marathon?! I have heard and experienced that when someone looses a loved one or goes through a divorce [divorce for me] that there are 5 stages of grief and loss = 1. Denial 2. Anger 3. Bargaining 4. Depression 5. Acceptance +++ I have to admit that my divorce compared to some of my friends was pretty mild....and those 5 stages didn't happen soon after...it took a looong time for it to actually sink in.
Isn't funny how things work out? I really feel like my second time around here in Utah has felt like the stages of grief and loss, and I think [ I HOPE ] I am now at the acceptance stage. And have come to fully realize, that everything I put my heart and soul into isn't going to be excepted by everyone, no matter how AWESOME I think my work is! hahaha lol... A couple things that do keep my pushing forward though is the knowledge of knowing that hundreds of well known/famous artists, musicians, writers, entrepreneurs etc. all went through rejection. Not just once but many many times! My mom is a great example of this. Back in the late 80's early 90's she and her business partner and co/author Pauline Hatch wrote a book together called "It's Here Somewhere" I remember my mom telling me when I was younger how many rejections she and Pauline got from publishing houses. Finally after about 50! or so, Readers Digest picked it up and published it! I love that my mom and Pauline kept per-suing what they believed in and knew what they were really good at >>> ORGANIZATION! Had they given up
after the 10th, 20th publisher...they would have had nothing. I also believe we are only given challenges that "the man above" knows we can handle. And looking at the glass half full, I think I can handle being rejected many times... 100 times...1,000 times! [oh dear GOD PLEASE don't let it be 1,000! heheh lol]
But seriously:
The reason why I even write about this and bare my soul to you all [believe me, I feel like a total retard announcing things like "I GOT REJECTED!] is that I like to write about the up's & downs of my process in trying to become an established illustrator. It is my hope that those of you who may be experiencing the same situations as I, will feel a little better and know that this doesn't last forever. There is a light at the end of the tunnel...and some people's tunnels are shorter than others. That is just how it is & as confused as I might be at times and ask why? and a little sulky...........overall...it is okay... It is! :)

p.s. Happy 61st Birthday Mom! I love & admire you so much! You have done and will continue to do amazing things! You have accomplished a lot and have raised some awesome kids! <- FYI, I have COOL brothers & sisters you guys! I do! ;[)
Isn't funny how things work out? I really feel like my second time around here in Utah has felt like the stages of grief and loss, and I think [ I HOPE ] I am now at the acceptance stage. And have come to fully realize, that everything I put my heart and soul into isn't going to be excepted by everyone, no matter how AWESOME I think my work is! hahaha lol... A couple things that do keep my pushing forward though is the knowledge of knowing that hundreds of well known/famous artists, musicians, writers, entrepreneurs etc. all went through rejection. Not just once but many many times! My mom is a great example of this. Back in the late 80's early 90's she and her business partner and co/author Pauline Hatch wrote a book together called "It's Here Somewhere" I remember my mom telling me when I was younger how many rejections she and Pauline got from publishing houses. Finally after about 50! or so, Readers Digest picked it up and published it! I love that my mom and Pauline kept per-suing what they believed in and knew what they were really good at >>> ORGANIZATION! Had they given up
after the 10th, 20th publisher...they would have had nothing. I also believe we are only given challenges that "the man above" knows we can handle. And looking at the glass half full, I think I can handle being rejected many times... 100 times...1,000 times! [oh dear GOD PLEASE don't let it be 1,000! heheh lol]
But seriously:
The reason why I even write about this and bare my soul to you all [believe me, I feel like a total retard announcing things like "I GOT REJECTED!] is that I like to write about the up's & downs of my process in trying to become an established illustrator. It is my hope that those of you who may be experiencing the same situations as I, will feel a little better and know that this doesn't last forever. There is a light at the end of the tunnel...and some people's tunnels are shorter than others. That is just how it is & as confused as I might be at times and ask why? and a little sulky...........overall...it is okay... It is! :)

p.s. Happy 61st Birthday Mom! I love & admire you so much! You have done and will continue to do amazing things! You have accomplished a lot and have raised some awesome kids! <- FYI, I have COOL brothers & sisters you guys! I do! ;[)