I have never read this book, nor have I really had the desire too...even when I would see at least 5 women A DAY on the subway reading it when it came out a couple years ago! [Seriously, EVERYONE was reading it...I think that is what made me not want to read it] BUT after watching the trailer [below] I think I just might need to check out a copy at the library today! Plus the cast alone...can't wait to see this!

+++ Julia Roberts who gets to act along two HANDSOME fellas!

<<< Javier Bardem!!! >>> +...SWOON...+

<<< James Franco! RAR! >>>
I'm a snobby reader too Roxy! I find that if I hear about a book too much, I don't want to read it. which is silly, because obviously it must be kind of good if that many people are raving about it. maybe I secretly think my taste is superior or something, ha! but now I'll want to see the movie, and I usually like to read the book before I see the movie, so....
I have a copy if you want to borrow it. I "borrowed" it from a hotel in Florence last Summer. The first part of the book is about Italy and you will love it.
i didn't want to read eat pray love for a long time either. but then i bought it for my mom and decided to read the first couple of pages to see if it would be a good fit for her. i couldn't put it down! i ended up really enjoying it.
ha! Nice Scout!! hehehe lol... I can't say that I am a snobby reader...It is more that I have a REALLY HARD TIME reading anything contemporary... I LOVE the classics [because of the language] and children's books... I need to be better though...because some day the books today will too be classics! :) Go read the book Scout, you and I together! xo
Suzanne! I would LOVE to borrow your copy! :) ahahah lol Love how you "borrowed" it from a hotel...you loan it to me, and I will take it back to Florence for you! deal? <3
Jomama, you've sold me! :[)
scout - p.s. BUT I am a snobby snob in other depts. trying to be better.... ;/
I tried reading "Eat, Pray, Love" when everybody was reading it (waited on the list for it from the library and everything), but I couldn't get through the dang thing. I know most people LOVE it, but it just wasn't for me - kind of like "Atonement" in that way...
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