Okay, fashion stuff: This image is seriously THEEEE CUTEST! I LOVE this girl's teeth! I WANT THEM! I confess, I am a little bummed now that my teeth are moving in the direction of straightness.... so long cute crooked teeth... :( really, I am going to miss them...anyways...on a happier note? AHHHH CHANEL! HOW I LOVE THEE! These two wheat accessories are truly to die for! I would give my first born for them. I would! I don't think I have wanted anything as bad as these items, especially the necklace. Okay well that is not true...recently I have been wanting a dog & red truck [Toyota Tacoma<- don't ask] REALLY bad..... and perhaps a couple other things! Oh yeah...New paint brushes... I tend to want lots of things all of the time.. ha lol!



LOVE LOVE LOVE these slacks! Especially since I have almost the exact same pair that I got at the thrift store a couple months ago for work at the B&B. At work I feel like a total lame-o-muffin wearing them with my "Armstrong Mansion" black polo [Armstrong Mansion said sarcastically while rolling my eyes] nothing like an ill-fitting CROPPED polo to mess up a fabulous pair of pants/ensemble! :/ BUT...this image has lifted my spirits + looking forward to wearing those slacks with ONLY my silk tops!

Okay Summer! Meet ch'ya on the corner in 5!

all the images above, minus the chicken, found via SO-EN magazine
those hair images are so inspiring! i wish i had long hair to braid and and embellish
Seriously! Soooo beautiful! Get extensions!!! ;-[) my girlfriend just got them and they look FANTASTIC! I kid you not...they look so great & you can't even tell she has them in!! <3 BUT I think short embellished hair is just as beautiful! Take Gwyneth Paltrow's character for instance in Sliding Doors... when she chops her hair and decorates it for a restaurant opening she put together... soo so SO cute! ;)
hahahahahahahah re: LIFE ALERT!
You just had to throw that in there? Tooo funny. thanks for the morning laugh.
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