Nov 16, 2012

These darling branches with black berries [I don't know what kind of bush they are] were brought to my attention by my friend Jordan. And this morning while heading outside to cut some, I was reminded of why I love collaborating with others. 

A couple weeks ago when Jordan was over to shoot pictures of my friends kids with my products, she wanted to take a couple minutes and get some shots of me.... and one of her first suggestions was for me to stand in front of our HUGE bushes with these berries! I was SHOCKED to see that this whole row of bushes had berries on them....somehow, the past month or so when they popped up I didn't seem to notice them... yet Jordan's eyes did...okay, this writing probably sounds cheesy..I really don't know a cooler way to tell this. Anyways, I was so so happy to see these little guys and so happy to have had Jordan point them out to me. Honestly, had we not collaborated together...these berries would most likely still be outside waiting for their owners to notice them....and, it probably wouldn't have happened. :/ Embarrassed to admit that? Nah...but wish I was more observant...but then again when I was thinking about that earlier, I thought to myself "NO! Roxy, this is the whole reason why it's so great working with others! 2 pairs of eyes is better than one!" :-[) 

So, with that said...this post is dedicated to any of those out there who love to work with others and see the importance and strength in bouncing ideas off of one another! Now I have a lovely center piece on our console to look at while I go sweep our floors! Thanks Jordan! :-[) 

p.s. here is one of the photos Jordan shot of me. I really like this image a lot because I feel like she captured my personality right on! Someone who likes to have fun, doesn't take herself too seriously, slightly awkward while trying to be classy like Claire Huckstable [of the Cosby Show] all at the same time.  I'll keep saying it till i'm blue in the face, Jordan is a fantastic photographer! :)

OH!... And have a great weekend! 


Sarah Larsen said...

The most perfect Roxy picture I ever did see. :)

Sarah Larsen said...

Oh I almost forgot! That pig jar!! <3 <3

ROXY MARJ said...

Perfect? :-[) lol Really? I dunno Sarah...I think if I was riding a little burro THEN it would be perfect! lol j/k

The pig jar is from my Great Aunt Annie. :) <3

Alice Osborne said...

Oh my gosh, this is adorable! You are beautiful, and Jordan really caught your essence. This picture oozes personality!

ROXY MARJ said...

Thaaaaanks mom [said in 5th grader voice] :-[) lol No really, thank you mom. :) xo

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