It has been exactly a month since I moved from NYC to SLC, and I have to say I am not homesick yet.. the only things I really do miss are my sister, friends, SUBWAY & yummy bakeries and restaurants i.e. BUBBYS..oh the ambiance... and then I miss the music venues. BUT, I think Salt Lake City is a pretty good place to be doing my temporary [?] transitioning. All I can say is that I am constantly amazed at how many creative and SUPER talented people there are in this city. I just got home from a show that was held in a somewhat dilapidated house just a couple blocks from where I live... about 7 or 8 musicians played and all of which were superb! Seriously as I was listening to everyone, what kept going through my mind is how I want to put together a show this summer and book all these musicians, and perhaps someday I should own my own music venue!? ;) I'm such a dork, but that is really what I was thinking. of the musicians that played tonight was JP HAYNIE. Photo below of him [in plaid shirt] sitting next to my friend ALLAN and below that is one of JP's songs....he has a super soft buttery voice...Take a listen! :) Unknown Ship
Welcome to my little nook...away from it all! I use to blog a ton, then instagram took over my life and business...but i'm back and ready to ramble. ;-p A bit about me: I received my B.F.A in Fashion from Parsons School of Design 2009, NYC - currently living in one of the Mt. Hood villages in Oregon. Questions about licensing/illustrating? me at
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