I had my first private art show this past Saturday in Prospect Park. It was a real blast and success!! I had 50 paintings on display, hanging on a clothesline no less, and sold all but 7! :) THANK YOU THANK YOU!!! To all my friends who showed up and supported me... Saturday was really a big turning point in my life... especially since the day before I FINALLY graduated from school!!! You are now looking at a lady with a B.F.A ~ Anyways, below are just a few pictures from Saturday's event...TONS more to come along with a link to my flikr account of even more pics. <3
Welcome to my little nook...away from it all! I use to blog a ton, then instagram took over my life and business...but i'm back and ready to ramble. ;-p A bit about me: I received my B.F.A in Fashion from Parsons School of Design 2009, NYC - currently living in one of the Mt. Hood villages in Oregon. Questions about licensing/illustrating? ......email me at roxy@roxymarj.com