Feb 21, 2009
something sweet! Doing a trade of artwork with my good friend ANNIE I am making her a piece based on my paint chip series that I started a couple months ago..and what I get from her are adorable cartoon drawings of my old dogs Stella and Sebastian. When creating a file of images to send her for inspiration, I came upon these two photos that I totally forgot about. It was about this same time 3 years ago and I was doing homework and then suddenly realized it was really quite..... both Stella and Sebastian were sleeping soundly, but how Sebastian was sleeping was too precious. A lover of heat like I, I caught him totally PASSED OUT on the heater...or face on the heater I should say... Even taking these two photos of him didn't wake him up! Hilarious! Hope this lil post stirred a smile. :)

One of my favorite shows from last week's fashion week was TSE. If I had to redesign a fall/winter collection all over again, I think I would follow TSE's lead and just design looks that have multi layers of thin wools, cashmeres, blends etc. PLUS the other favorite thing about their collection was how they interpreted the 18th century fichu! Truly, one of my favorite accessories that is not utilized enough! :)

Feb 20, 2009
When Beaux was out last week visiting, he was able to come to my illustrative printing class with me..He helped me print my fabric which was a HUGE help...then yesterday I sewed it onto batting. This will be the lining of my jacket for my third look...sooo excited about this piece!! :[) click picture to enlarge!

Feb 17, 2009
Had a great Valentines Day weekend! My special "friend" :) hehehe lol.. came and visited for a couple days. His last day here [yesterday] was spent posing for me so I could paint his portrait. It his hard to tell what Beaux [that is his name] is holding in his lap, it is a weasel that he got for me this past Christmas! :) I really have not painted portraits since freshmen year... and still those weren't really "portraits"...so this is is my first jab at a real portrait. I am really happy with how it turned out, and want to paint more portraits of my friends here in NYC befor I move away in June... something to remember everyone by and hang on my wall. :)

Feb 9, 2009
Working hard on thesis! :[) BUT having fun while doing it! :) Thanks to Erin, my good friend and owner of Sodafine online boutique and store in Brooklyn, New York SHOP SODAFINE - Erin knitted my brown sweater for me in this video! She did an amazing job and suggested that I change my set in sleeves to a raglan! SO SMART! Looks TONS better! :[)
Thanks again Erin! xo
Thanks again Erin! xo