Aug 12, 2011

I cannot believe the riots that have recently happened in England. Watching the videos has me in total bewilderment. Seeing so many youth & young adults causing havoc and destruction is sad...just as much as seeing onlookers stand around and do nothing. It's soooo chilling. I honestly cannot imagine myself just standing around and not doing anything at all! It's probably good I live in a pretty peaceful place, because I am the type of person who would try and stop things from happening with the risk in mind that someone could hit me over the head with a baseball bat.... : /

Here is an interesting article I just read over at GOOD about the rioters, which also gives much of the full story as to why these riots began.


fnjkeankjaen said...

It was surreal to see so much violence and hatred. I know they wanted to be heard, but honestly think they got the wrong message through by destroying what some had taken their whole life to built. Really unfair and sad...

ROXY MARJ said...

I seriously cannot believe you saw that! :( Surreal is the best word to describe it...that is exactly what I kept thinking when watching all the footage online. And I totally agree with you about these guys sending the wrong message... Gosh, I wonder what would have happened if they had an "acts of kindness" riot and went crazy like all over the cities. That could have been an amazing thing to see.

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